African Mining

African Mining

African mining is one of the world's most sought after business opportunities, attracting investors on a global scale. Not only does the sheer amount of African mining projects attract investors, but the prospects of the continent's gold, platinum, uranium, coal, copper, iron ore and diamond deposits make Africa the world's mining hub.

With +/- 2 000 recorded projects on African mining, Africa Mining IQ is one of the largest online portals dedicated to supplying its subscribers with the essential information on African mining and executable mines including key contact details, estimated capital values and project timelines that are updated daily.


As Africa's largest online African mining portal, only Africa Mining IQ has information on mining projects throughout the continent:

Life Cycle Phase of African Mines

All information that is available on Africa Mining IQ about African Mining Projects can be classified according to the Mine Life Cycle Phase in which each African mining project is grouped. Numerous African Mining Projects are tracked, documented and updated regularly on Africa Mining IQ as each project progresses through the various Mine Life Cycle Phases:


Early stage exploration of African mining that includes “desktop” studies before any ground work is done and “grassroots exploration” from the earliest stage through perimeter drilling; also includes reconnaissance and evaluative forays.


The pre-feasibility stage of African mining further includes aeromagnetic/ geophysical surveys, mapping, geochemical and soil sampling, first phase drilling, modelling and infill drilling. Often the African mining project will move forward after the first resource calculation has been completed.


This stage of African mining sees various scenarios tested to determine if the deposit can be extracted profitably. The last such study is called a “Bankable Feasibility Study” (BFS) as it is used to secure funding for the mine. This stage also involves the tendering and contracting of the Engineering Procurement Construction Management (EPCM) and any other engineers required. Equipment manufacturers, suppliers of goods and service providers use this stage to get their products and services specified for the project.


The African mining project is at the stage where financing can start being sought and Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) are completed. The architectural planning, design and consulting through EPCM are completed and the finalisation of this stage is the board signing the go-ahead for construction.


This stage of African mining mainly deals with civil work, construction and infrastructure of the project at all levels and is completed when the project is commissioned and goes into production. Early talks of possible expansions to projects could already be indicated at this stage; however the expansion project will follow the normal route generally starting at Feasibility Stage onward again.


African mining projects move to this stage once the project is commissioned and goes into production – operational African mines. This stage will also cover all new African mining projects that have become operational since 2003 to present, including any expansions or refurbishments to any existing operational mines.


African mining projects move to this stage when mine owners no longer find it cost-effective to start or continue a project, or decide to develop other projects prior to continuing with this particular project, or market changes negatively influencing a particular mineral type from time to time. Many of these projects however could be reconsidered in the future should positive market changes take place.

Tracking & reporting on African mines and African mining projects is part of the mining intelligence service available.

Over 170 companies rely on Africa Mining IQ to help them drive business within the African mining industry.

Project Contact Information

Africa Mining IQ is the ONLY African mining intelligence portal that guarantees a key contact per mine owner / project engineer or project supplier. All African mining projects are carefully researched and verified by a team of researchers.


Africa Mining IQ Reporting

In depth analysis reports delve into African mining project statistics such as number of projects per region per phase, and have been created for you to download and use for tendering and project tracking purposes.

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