African Mining Services

African Mining Services

Africa Mining IQ is the leading provider of African mining services, data and intelligence, listing +/- 2 000 mining projects across the continent’s vast mineral base. For over a decade, this online portal has delivered comprehensive mining intelligence covering the complete scope of a project, from location and capital values to key project contact details, all of which are updated daily. Africa Mining IQ currently helps more than Close to 170 companies track, target and record these projects and their development.

As a total African mining services provider of accurate and essential mining industry data, Africa Mining IQ’s intelligent project portal can be leveraged to provide precise, specific project intelligence. For enhanced usability, Africa Mining IQ categorises these projects in terms of grassroots, pre-feasibility, feasibility, bankable, executable, operational and dormant Mine Life Cycle Phases.

A subscription to Africa Mining IQ starts at just ZAR 7 200 per month and can be customised to suit your unique business requirements. Your subscription guarantees you access to the most comprehensive online mining intelligence portal.

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A subscription to Africa Mining IQ provides you with access
to comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date African mining services
and intelligence:

  • Africa Mining IQ is the ONLY online African mining services provider to supply you with key contact details per project
  • Accurate project data to help you grow your business within the African mining industry
  • Get real-time African mining services and intelligence with advanced reporting, graphs and statistics
  • Select and track relevant mining projects throughout Africa
  • Gain unlimited access to regularly-updated and verified information
  • Receive email notifications of newly added or recently updated mining projects
  • As part of our holistic African mining services, Africa Mining IQ offers a built-in currency converter for accurate capital and exploration values

Africa Mining IQ’s African mining services reflect a highest value listing of R 340 billion – the Camden, Grootvlei and Komati Power Stations!

745 gold projects
149 coal projects
121 diamonds projects
96 PGM projects
46 nickel projects
164 industrial projects
125 uranium projects
118 copper projects
92 iron ore projects
17 manganese projects
164 industrial projects
125 uranium projects
118 copper projects
92 iron ore projects
17 manganese projects

Featured listings for Africa Mining IQ’s African mining services directory:

Camden, Grootvlei and Komati Power Stations

The Simunye project – as the Camden, Grootvlei and Komati collective is known – is a ZAR 340 billion de-mothballing of coal-powered plants which will provide 3 800 MW of electricity with a projected lifespan of 15 – 20 years. As part of its African mining services offering which lists +/- 2 000 projects, Africa Mining IQ provides complete, verified details of the Camden, Grootvlei and Komati Power Stations.

Dikulushi Mine

The ZAR 58 million Dikulushi Mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo is currently under expansion, with the open-pit mine being extended to exploit a section of the remaining recognised resource of the Dikulushi ore body. This will provide access to a 539 000-ton copper and silver ore deposit. Africa Mining IQ provides complete details and verified commentary on the Dikulushi mine and hundreds of other mining projects as part of its African mining services offering.

Husab Uranium Project

With a project value of ZAR 20 billion, the Husab uranium mine will extract a projected 15 million pounds of uranium per annum, to become the world’s second-largest producer of uranium when it commences operation in 2016. Since 2006, uranium mining in Namibia has seen the country become the 6th largest producer in the world. Africa Mining IQ provides complete details of the Husab mine as part of its African mining services offering.

Bakubang Platinum Mine Project

The ZAR 12 billion Bakubang platinum mine has a total projected deposit of 16.7 million tons of the rare platinum group metals, the ore of which will be extracted at a rate of 2.1 million tons over 35 years. As part of a complete African mining services offering, Africa Mining IQ provides accurate information for the Bakubeng mine project.

Kansanshi Copper Mine Expansion

The ZAR 16 billion upgrades to production capacity at Kansanshi, Zambia, will increase copper output from 250 000 tons to 400 000 tons. Kansanshi is the largest deposit of copper in Africa. It has an estimated remaining mine life of 16 years with the potential for gold extraction. Africa Mining IQ provides complete and verified intelligence for the Kansanshi mine as part of its African mining services offering that includes +/- 2 000 project listings.

Enquire now on +27 11 830 2132  to see how Africa Mining IQ’s Africa mining services portal can enhance your business!

Currently there are over Close to 170 companies who have identified the true potential of Africa Mining IQ. You too can take advantage and have the latest African mining project intelligence at your fingertips. Alternatively click on one of the links above to find out more about Africa Mining IQ and the subscription plans available.

Africa Mining IQ – Features and Benefits

  • Current, relevant and accurate mining information on over 2 000 African mining projects
  • Real-time mining intelligence on mining projects with advanced reporting, graphs and region statistics, mineral types, development phases, and much more
  • Unlimited access to regularly updated mining intelligence
  • Customised solutions for information relevant to your line of work
  • Extensive contact information to liaise directly with key personnel on mining projects
  • Daily or weekly alerts and notifications on mining projects you track or are interested in Access for multiple users
  • Mining project tracking – from pre-feasibility to completion
  • A built-in currency converter for accurate values on mining projects in the currency of your choice

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Projects IQ - Project Intelligence in Africa