Copper Mining in Zambia

Copper Mining in Zambia

Copper mining in Zambia has been one the country’s most important sources of income since the metal’s discovery in the 1920s. In 2009, copper mining in Zambia produced 655 000 tonnes, earning the country the title of the 8th largest copper producer in the world.

Copper mining in Zambia is largely centred in the Copperbelt province, where large mining companies, such as Konkola Copper Mines and Mopani Copper Mines, operate large projects. African Mining IQ keeps track of copper mining in Zambia on its extensive mining-related portal. The information gathered by experienced researchers is a valuable tool to companies and individuals involved with copper mining in Zambia, helping to keep track of developments. This portal also lists contact details for persons involved with copper mining in Zambia.

The Konkola Deep (#4 Shaft Project) is one of mining in Zambia’s flagship projects. Africa Mining IQ lists this project to be worth ZAR9.9 billion. Other details the portal provides include project tracking from May 2005, to October 2012, and contact details of individuals involved with the projects. This serves as a great example of how this portal can help with tendering, planning and many other aspects related to copper mining in Zambia.

Other projects related to copper mining in Zambia include the Chambishi Copper Mine Smelter, the Chibuluma Mine and Mopani Leach Mine, as well as the Lumwana Mine – as listed by Africa Mining IQ. This comprehensive portal lists numerous other mining in Zambia projects – from the grassroots and feasibility stages, through to operation and dormancy.

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