Endeavour Mining

Endeavour Mining

Endeavour Mining Corporation is a Toronto-based Mining Corporation listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and has grown to be a recognised premier intermediate gold producer. The mining company has a solid track record of operational excellence, exploration and project development in the highly prospective Birimian greenstone belt in West Africa. Named after the Birim River in Ghana, the Birimian rocks are major sources of gold and diamonds that extend through Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali and Burkina Faso.

Endeavour Mining five main mines in three West African countries:

Côte d'Ivoire:
  • Agbaou Gold Mine: Operational. Capital Value: R1.4 billion
  • ITY Gold Mine: Pre-feasibility. Capital Value: R5.9 billion

Burkino Faso:
  • Houndé Gold Project: Operational. Capital Value: R690 million
  • Karma Gold Mine: Operational. Capital Value: R1.4 billion

  • Tabakoto Gold Mine. Operational. Capital Value: R465 million

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These five mines are expected to produce 670 – 720 ounces of gold at an all-in sustaining cost (AISC) of US$840 to US$890 per ounce over 2018. The Corporation’s high-quality development projects, which include the Kalana Gold Expansion Project in Mali, have the combined potential to deliver an additional 600 000 ounces per year at an AISC below US$700 per ounce between 2018 and 2020. The company has stated that its current exploration programme aims to discover 10 – 15 million ounces of gold by 2021, “which represents more than twice the reserve depletion during this period.”

Endeavour mining company is involved in a total of 27 mining projects. The full list of Endeavour Mining’s mining projects, including the phase of operation and capital value, is published below

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For the investors

Endeavour, with an accomplished management team and a healthy balance sheet, offers investors exposure to current production and both near and long-term growth potential.

The mining company’s strategy is focused on increasing the quality of its portfolio in order to create a leading African gold producer with low AISC and long-life mines. It aims to achieve this with an unrelenting focus on:

  • operational excellence
  • developing projects on-time and on-budget
  • unlocking value through exploration
  • maintaining a healthy balance sheet
  • executablely managing the portfolio

Key objectives

Endeavour is well-positioned to reach its medium-term milestones, a key objective, of producing in excess of 800 000 ounces of gold annually at an AISC of less than $800 per ounce by 2019, while increasing mine lives to more than 10 years as illustrated in the graph.

Key Objectives

Up-to-date mining intelligence on all mining companies in Africa, their projects and key contact details are available to local and global investors, engineers and suppliers who subscribe to Africa Mining IQ.

Meeting its objectives

Endeavour has implemented 4 ‘strategic levers’ to help meet its objectives:

  • Operational Excellence: a proven track record of successful operations in West Africa based on the deep experience of its people and strong teams.
  • Project Development: High-quality development projects have the combined potential to deliver an additional 600 000 ounces per year at an AISC below $700 per ounce between 2018 and 2020.
  • Unlocking Exploration Value: One of the largest and most promising exploration portfolios in West Africa, with a target of identifying 10 – 15 million ounces of new gold discoveries by 2021.
  • Portfolio & Balance Sheet Management: Dynamic management of its portfolio to increase its quality coupled with a healthy financial structure with low debt, strong liquidity and financing sources to fund growth.

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Projects IQ has over 2 100 projects listed in its portal. This is an easy way to find African mining projects for investors and suppliers pertinent to their interests. For more information or to make an enquiry, complete the enquiry form.

Click on the links below to get additional information on some of the mining activities in Africa:

Comprehensive list of Endeavour Mining’s African mining projects

endeavour mining

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If you are listed on African Mining IQ like Endeavour Mining Corporation, the following information is easily available to investors and companies interested in investing in your mining projects.

  • Key contact details of mine owners, project engineers and contracting agents for every project listed – over 600 mine owners listed!
  • Capital value estimates that are updated daily
  • Detailed project updates that follow the progression of your mine, or any other mining project listed, from grassroots right through to operational

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To contact Endeavour Mining, the following details are useful:

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