Mining Companies
in Zambia

Mining Companies in Zambia

Mining companies in Zambia are focused on extracting the country’s vast copper and uranium deposits, as well as the more limited gold, nickel and industrial deposits.

For companies interested in conducting mining operations, or opening mining companies, in Zambia, Zambia’s Ministry of Mines, under which falls the Chamber of Mines, is the first port of call. It is important for mining companies in Zambia to be cognizant of and understand the primary law governing the Zambian mining sector – the Mines and Minerals Development Act no. 11 of 2015 (MMDA). This act, however, must be read together with the Mines and Minerals Development Act No. 14. Together they deal with mining rights, mining licences, large-scale mining, gemstone mining, health and safety, environmental protection and geological services on analysis.

mining companies in Zambia | Zambian mining companies
Mining companies in Zambia
mining companies in Zambia | Zambian mining companies
Zambia mining companies

There are currently 104 mining projects in Zambia owned by 7 companies, including international mining companies. Some of these are mining companies with mining operations, and others are investors that are interested in specific mining projects. So, if you’re looking to target mining projects in Zambia, or negotiate deals with the mining companies in the region, a subscription to African Mining IQ (AMIQ) will help you identify suitable opportunities.

Institutions governing mining companies in Zambia

The Zambian mining industry is administered by the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development – previously called the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development.

The MMDA gives primary power to the Director of Mines, Director of Mines Safety, Director of Mining Cadastre and Director of Geological Survey, and the Minister of Mines has an appellate and supervisory role over the respective directors’ actions.

All of these directorships, except the Department of Mine Safety, are located in Lusaka, with the latter based in Kitwe in the Copperbelt Province.

AMIQ grants subscribers’ access to Zambia, and Africa’s, largest mining portal. It contains all required information needed for subscribers to contact key personnel in mining companies in Zambia, as well as project engineers, suppliers and other pertinent

Companies involved in the Zambian mining industry

In Q4 2021 there were 7 mining companies in Zambia listed on AMIQ as mine owners and/or investors. In alphabetical order, they are:

  • African Energy Resources
  • Axmin Inc.
  • Barrick Gold Corp
  • Caledonia Mining Corp
  • China Nonferrous Metals Corporation (CNMC)
  • First Quantum Minerals Ltd
  • Glencore Plc (Glencore Xstrata Plc)
  • Konkola Copper Mines Plc (Subsidiary of Vedanta Resources)
  • Lubambe Copper Mine Limited
  • Trek Metals Limited (Zambezi Resources Pty Ltd)
  • ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines)

Up-to-date mining intelligence on these companies, their projects and key contact details are available to local and global investors, engineers and suppliers who subscribe to Mining IQ.

Zambia’s top 5 capital value mines and their owners

The 5 highest capital value projects in Zambia are owned by 6 mining companies:

  • Mine owner: Barrick Gold Corp
    Project: Lumwana Mine
    Capital Value: R13.9 billion
    Mineral: Copper
    Phase: Operational
    Status: Operational
  • Mine owner: Konkola Copper Mines Plc (subsidiary of Vedanta Resources)
    Project: Konkola Mining Complex (Konkola Deep Expansion (#4 Shaft)
    Capital Value: R9.9 billion
    Mineral: Copper
    Phase: Operational
    Status: Operational
  • Mine owner: Lubambe Copper Mine Limited
    Project: Lubambe Copper Mine (Konkola North)
    Capital Value: R4 billion
    Mineral: Copper
    Phase: Operational
    Status: Operational
  • Mine owners: China Nonferrous Metals Corporation (CNMC)
    ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines)

    Project: Chambishi Copper Smelter
    Capital Value: R2.3 billion
    Mineral: Industrial
    Phase: Operational
    Status: Operational
  • Mine owner: First Quantum Minerals
    Project: Enterprise Project (Kawako)
    Capital Value: R1.2 billion
    Mineral: Nickel
    Phase: Operational
    Status: Operational

Access the most extensive list of mines from mining companies in Zambia and Africa

Projects IQ has over 1 900 projects listed on its portal of mining companies across Zambia and the rest of Africa. To find those pertinent to your interests has been simplified by AMIQ. Click on the links below to get additional information on mining companies in some of Africa’s other countries:

One of the largest operational projects undertaken by mining companies this country includes the Lumwana Mine – with a capital value of over ZAR13 billion. The Company produced 115 million pounds of copper in the third quarter 2017, at a Cost of Sales of $1.67 per pound. According to AMIQ, this development consists of two main deposits (Malundwe and Chimiwungo), and has 901 million tonnes of material with a grading of 0.7% copper. Significant cobalt and minor gold deposits are also present.

Projects IQ’s online portal, Africa Mining IQ, keeps track of these projects – from grassroots and feasibility, through to operational and dormancy stages – helping individuals and mining companies in Zambia and around the world to stay on top of the latest trends and developments. Mining companies in Zambia are also documented on Africa Mining IQ’s datasheets with references to acquisitions, mergers, and joint ventures.

This type of information helps mining companies around the world develop long-term plans, assist in the tendering process, keep track of investments and identify new business opportunities. Information, such as contact details, among others, on the actual mining companies is also available to AMIQ subscribers.

AMIQ can help you grow your business

  • Key contact details of mine owners, project engineers and contracting agents for every project listed – over 700 mine owners listed!
  • Capital value estimates that are updated daily
  • Detailed project updates that follow the progression of your mine, or any other mining project listed, from grassroots right through to operational

Tracking and reporting on mining projects in Zambia is part of the mining intelligence service available to subscribers.

With Africa Mining IQ, those interested in mining companies in Zambia have a tangible resource which allows them to keep up-to-date with all projects.

  • Africa Mining IQ is the ONLY online data provider to supply you with key contact details
  • Access accurate data that will help you to grow your business within the Zambian mining industry
  • Real-time mining intelligence with advanced reporting, graphs and statistics
  • Select and track relevant companies / projects / mines in Zambia
  • Gain unlimited access to regularly updated and verified information
  • Receive email notifications of newly added or recently updated projects
  • Add notes and comments to various projects

Discover why the world’s leading mining houses subscribe and list their African mining projects on our portal. Contact us today for subscription plans and pricing.


Project Contact Information

Africa Mining IQ is the ONLY African mining intelligence portal that guarantees a key contact per mine owner / project engineer or project supplier. All African mining projects are carefully researched and verified by a team of researchers.

Africa Mining IQ Reporting

In depth analysis reports delve into African mining project statistics such as number of projects per region per phase, and have been created for you to download and use for tendering and project tracking purposes.

Tracking and reporting on African mines and African mining projects is part of the mining intelligence service available.

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