Mining Companies
in Rustenburg

Mining Companies in Rustenburg

Looking to target mining projects or mining companies in Rustenburg?
Africa Mining IQ (AMIQ) grants subscribers access to Africa’s largest mining portal. This portal contains all the information you need when targeting African mining projects, including over 44 mining projects in Rustenburg – essential for targeting platinum mining in South Africa.

How AMIQ can grow your business in Rustenburg:

AMIQ is Africa’s largest online mining portal. This portal grants subscribers exclusive access to a wealth of information needed when looking to target African mining. This includes mining project updates, contact information of key players, capital values of each project and project suppliers per project.

Your exclusive access to African mining:

  • 2 100 African mining projects (track projects by scope, location, value or mineral)
  • 4 905 key contacts (from project engineers to mine owners)
  • Daily / weekly project updates to your inbox or phone

Read more about the Africa Mining IQ advantage

Mining companies in Rustenburg listed on Africa Mining IQ:

Rustenburg contains the world's richest platinum reserves and is situated in the North West Province, South Africa. 25 of the 97 PGM producing mines in South Africa are situated in Rustenburg! Africa Mining IQ has over 115 platinum mining projects listed on its portal from leading mining companies.

We provide subscribers all the information they need to grow their business in Rustenburg’s platinum mining.

AMIQ grants you exclusive access to these mining companies in Rustenburg:

Impala Platinum (Implats)
Anglo American Platinum (Amplats)
Northam Platinum
Eastern Platinum (Eastplats)
Norilsk Nickel
Sylvania Platinum
African Thunder Platinum
African Rainbow Minerals (ARM)
Lonmin Plc
Wesizwe Platinum
Platinum Group Metals
Nkwe Platinum
Sedibelo Platinum Mines
Sibanye Platinum
Aberdeen International Inc

Subscribe to AMIQ to grow your business in PGM mining in Africa.
Enquire now for more information!

Project Contact Information

Africa Mining IQ is the ONLY African mining intelligence portal that guarantees a key contact per mine owner / project engineer or project supplier. All African mining projects are carefully researched and verified by a team of researchers.

Africa Mining IQ Reporting

In depth analysis reports delve into African mining project statistics such as number of projects per region per phase, and have been created for you to download and use for tendering and project tracking purposes.

Tracking and reporting on African mines and African mining projects is part of the mining intelligence service available.

Over Close to 170 companies rely on Africa Mining IQ to help them drive business within the African mining industry.


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