Africa Mining IQ

We help you find new business opportunities across Africa's mines


Africa Mining IQ

We help you find new business opportunities across Africa's mines


Africa has the world's largest and fastest growing minerals industry. New
projects requiring new equipment, products and services commence
all the time.

But finding these projects can be difficult.

Africa Mining IQ makes it easy.

We track over 2 100 mining projects across Africa so you can identify relevant business
opportunities early on and get in touch with key project contacts. All from your computer or
mobile phone through our online portal.

Here's how it works:

Find where the action is

Our powerful dashboard lets you filter over 2 100 projects to find the ones in need of your products or services, so you can immediately zero-in on potential opportunities.

Get key project contacts

Our portal provides the key contact information for each project so that your sales team has a direct line to mine owners and engineers.

Analyse, influence, network

We provide continuous, detailed commentary and strategic reporting of every project, enabling you to influence specifications prior to tendering process.

Africa Mining IQ is Africa's largest subscription-based mining information portal.

Identify new opportunities,
grow your business

Africa Mining IQ is an online mining information service that helps you expand and increase your sales reach into Africa.

  • Real-time project intelligence

    Be the first to know all the new developments and movement in the industry. We deliver up-to-the-minute reporting with a dedicated research team, and send you notifications on developments via email.

  • Key insights to strategic growth markets in Africa's mines

    Understand the dynamics of worldwide investors in Africa turnkey mine development

  • Africa Mining IQ is for any company supplying the mining industry

    From suppliers of bulk handling and yellow equipment and drilling companies to water treatment, laboratories and mine camp suppliers, we track the needs of the mine across its development

Putting you in touch with:

± 4 500
execution mining contacts

± 1 100
execution engineering contacts

± 2 100
current projects

Subscribe today!

We have various subscription plans to suit your business with 12 months starting from only R9 400 pm(excl VAT) or 24 months R7 900 pm(excl VAT).

*Cost is based on a business entity, not per person.

Find out more

What kind of info will I get in an
AMIQ project report?

A project report contains complete historical and up-to-date commentary, as well as key contact details for mine owners and engineers.

Download a sample report to see what you can expect:


Magambazi Gold Project (Handeni)

View report

Venetia Underground Project (VUP)

View report

In-depth statistical analysis

We provide detailed analysis of the market, to help you plan future strategies and position yourself early in key growth markets, across Africa.

With helpful and up-to-date reports of where, how and why the market is moving, you have leading insight and intelligence on the African mineral market, all on one platform.

Powerful, customisable and
easy-to-use dashboards

Target relevant projects by scope, project phase, mineral, plant type, and much more, with powerful project filters on the Africa Mining IQ dashboard.

With these filters, you can reveal the current and future projects that have a need for your products and services, and then get detailed project intelligence and key contacts - all in just a few clicks.

AMIQ screenshot

Live chat & online support

Live chat

Our team of experts is on hand to provide any online support you need in finding new mining projects and contacts on the Africa Mining IQ portal.

Our Live Chat feature provides real-time assistance, available 24/7, to make sure you're getting the most out of the portal.

  • Track and target over 2 100 projects

  • Key contacts are guaranteed

  • Get critical insight to your key markets

  • Increase your sales reach into Africa

Learn to see how Africa Mining IQ can work for you

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Projects IQ - Project Intelligence in Africa