New Mining Projects in Africa

New Mining Projects in Africa

All mining operations are built on limited mineral reserves. To keep the mining industry moving, as old mine projects are exhausted or closed, new ones are built.

New African mining projects had been listed on AMIQ (Africa Mining IQ) for the 2023 calendar year. You, and your company representatives, can receive email alerts when there are new mining projects in Africa. You can also have the ability to view comprehensive details about these brand new mining projects.

New mining projects and all pertinent project information is loaded on to AMIQ by our teams of dedicated researches.

You will have access to the following details:

  • The full project name
  • Project country, province and area (with GPS co-ordinates)
  • The project phase
  • Minerals mined
  • Names of mine owners and project engineers and their details
  • The project scope
  • Capital value and exploration value
  • Bi-minerals
  • Plant type
  • Mining type (above ground / underground)

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37 new mining projects across the continent in 2023

This information, along with a list of mining companies in Africa, is available to AMIQ subscribers
This graph illustrates the number of new mining projects in Africa loaded on to Africa Mining IQ’s Exploration section during the 2023 calendar year. There are 37 new mining projects listed.

New Mining Projects – Facts and Figures

The information provided for the following 12 new African mining projects are examples of the type of information subscribers can expect to receive. The information has been greatly reduced, but subscribers to AMIQ will have access to ALL facts and figures – and in much greater detail.

Project: Mine owner Facts, figures and general information
South Deep Gold Mine Gold Fields Situated in the Witwatersrand Basin near Westonaria in Gauteng, South Africa. The current LoM is 80 years and extends over an area of 4 268 hectares. Exploration of the mine happens at four areas known as the Old Mine, Current Mine, Phase 1 and Phase 2. Production is ongoing.
Moab Khotsong Mine (Great Noligwa) Harmony Gold This gold mine is a merger of the Moab Khotsong Mine and the Great Noligwa Mine. Situated in South Africa’s North West province close to the town of Orkney. The mine is the deepest mine in the world with operations taking place at a depth of 3 052m below surface. Production is at a steady rate.
Kusasalethu Mine (Elandskraal) Harmony Gold Based in Carltonville, South Africa, it is an underground gold mine, formerly known as Elandskraal Mine. A depth of 3 388 m below surface, makes it the fifth deepest mine in the world. The mine produces 15 to 20 kilograms of gold per day.
Driefontein Gold Mine Sibanye-Stillwater Situated on the West Wits Line of the Witwatersrand Basin in Carletonville, South Africa. The mine is considered as one of the largest uranium reserves in the country with an estimated reserve of 238 million tonnes of ore grading 0,0053 % uranium. One of the deepest mines in the world with operating levels reaching 3 420 m below surface, it consists of three processing plants and six producing shaft complexes.
Kophia Mine (Blaauwbosch Diamond Mine) Kophia Diamonds This underground diamond mine is located in the Free State, covering an area of 121 hectares. Life of Mine is expected to be 25 years, and Kimberlite is set to be processed in recovery plants and washing pans.
Sari Gold Project Oklo Resources Currently in its grass roots phase, this gold mining project, along with the Kossaya Project, covers a combined area of 84 km. The project is set within a highly prospective Proterozoic Birimian Greenstone Area, and the mine owner will begin exploration as soon as possible.
Kossaya Project Oklo Resources Located in West Africa’s Mali, this project, along with the Sari Project, covers a combined area of 84 km. Field programming planning is underway, and exploration work is imminent. The project is set within a highly prospective Proterozoic Birimian Greenstone Area.
Kouroufing Project Oklo Resources Located in Mali, West Africa, this diamond mining project covers an area of 90,70 km² and is 6 km long. The exploration permit granted on 31 June 2017 is for a 3-year period and is renewable twice for a period of 2 years. Drilling commenced in November 2018 and the assays received from 224 auger holes and 97 AC holes drilled show confident results and confirm the occurrence of substantial widths of bedrock gold mineralisation.
Korokaha North Gold Project Orca Gold Located in West Africa’s Côte D'Ivoire, this undefined gold mine is situated adjacent to the east of the Tongon Mine near Yamoussoukro in the highly prospective Senoufo Greenstone Belt. The mine owner says that the project demonstrates great value and they are evaluating results of historical data to establish forward plans with an in depth detailed explorational programme with drilling to continue. The mine is emergent and rapidly rising up the ranks as one of Africa’s leading destinations for investment in gold mining.
New Denmark Colliery Seriti Resources Situated in the Highveld Coalfields, 30 km north of Standerton, South Africa, the mining rights cover 34 308 hectares. It is a mechanised mine and one of the deepest coal mining operations in South Africa at a depth of 200m. Coal is mined through a longwall or bord and pillar mining method and undergoes primary crushing underground.
New Vaal Colliery Seriti Resources Situated in the northern Free State in South Africa, the colliery supplies coal to Eskom’s 3, 6000MW Lethabo Power Station. The colliery uses opencast strip mining methods to remove the coal. The calorific value of the coal ranges from 13 to 20 megajoules per kilogram (air-dried) with an ash content of 34-44%. The colliery is contracted to supply 17,8 million tonnes of coal per year to the Lethabo Power Station from their three coal seams.
Rossing Uranium Mine Rio Tinto and Rossing Uranium Situated in southern Africa’s Namibia, it is the third largest uranium mine in the world. The surface mine has a mining licence and additional works areas of 180 km². Production is expected to continue until the end of 2025.

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Did You Know!

The Letlhakane Uranium Mine in Botswana is listed as the one of the biggest 5 new mines – according to Mining Technology (at the end of 2018).

  • A uranium deposit of 365.7 million pounds, one of the largest in the world, is located 80 kilometres from Francistown in eastern Botswana, and is the basis of Lethakane mine.
  • The mine owner, Australia-based A-Caps, plans to extract 3.75 million pounds of uranium annually over a lifespan of 18 years, all of which is located within 80 metres of the surface.

The "new" mining project status

New mining projects only remain listed as “new” on the portal for a period of 60 days before being changed to reflect its actual phase. This means, according to the AMIQ portal, that an average of 11 new mines a month – since the beginning of the 2023 calendar year – have been started in Africa. Aside from the email alerts received by subscribers, all new mining projects are coloured green for a period of 60 days before reverting to other colour use. This means that subscribers, at a glance, can see the moment a new mining project is listed.

The below example shows the listing of new mines, their operational phase, mineral mined and mine owners:

Our mining project intelligence is tailored so that investors, suppliers, companies and service providers that subscribe to this service can easily get specific information they require to aid in their business endeavours. Each mining project is grouped into a specific mine’s lifecycle phase, which enables subscribers to know the exact development phase of any mining project at a glance.

These lifecycles are:

Grassroots | Prefeasibility | Feasibility | Bankable | Execution | Operational | Dormant | Licence Relinquished | Closed

All of this is available from a single, easy-to-use, subscription-based portal.

The total number of projects (new & existing) in each specific phase on AMIQ

Grassroots 92 Dormant 23
Pre-Feasibility 209 Dormant (L/R) 834
Feasibility 98 Closed 43
Bankable 81 Completed 100
Execution 73 Consolidated 151
Operational 416

Projects at a glance

Projects at a glance

The circles on the map indicate the mining projects, including new mining projects, spread across Africa. All information pertaining to all of these projects is easily available with a subscription to AMIQ.

Up-to-date data base

Our dedicated team of researchers continuously updates our African mining project portal. This has allowed us to firmly entrench ourselves in the mining industry as the leading supplier of mining project information in Africa.

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Africa Mining IQ – Features and Benefits

  • Current, relevant and accurate mining information on over 2 100 African mining projects
  • Real-time mining intelligence on mining projects with advanced reporting, graphs and region statistics, mineral types, development phases, and much more
  • Unlimited access to regularly updated mining intelligence
  • Customised solutions for information relevant to your line of work
  • Extensive contact information to liaise directly with key personnel on mining projects
  • Daily or weekly alerts and notifications on mining projects you track or are interested in Access for multiple users
  • Mining project tracking – from grassroots to completion
  • A built-in currency converter for accurate values on mining projects in the currency of your choice

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